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Tuesday, August 2, 2016


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More Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Monday Night 8-1-16




Samson:  Euro-based payment arrangement for S. Korea-Iran may launch next month
South Korean companies will be able to settle accounts with their Iranian counterparts in the euro currency instead of the local won from as early as September, allowing more convenient monetary transaction with the Middle East country whose economy offers a wide range of business opportunities after international sanctions were lifted earlier this year.
The euro-based payment system is expected to pave the way for Korean businesses to speed up $45.6 billion worth bilateral projects that have been sealed in May during President Park Geun-hye’s visit to Iran.
According to multiple sources from the financial industry on Sunday, the United States government has indicated it would condone South Korean companies to make payment in euro, a currency largely favored by businesses in the Middle East country.
Korean companies had been under compliance of U.S.-led sanctions on Iran for its nuclear weapons activity. Seoul still needs to confer with Washington in the scope of reviving trade and launching new business ventures amid incremental easing sanctions according the compliance in the landmark deal Tehran reached with major global powers.
Upon green light from Washington, Korea will start trial run in the new payment system as early as next month before full-fledged service. The euro-based payment system allows Korean financial institutions to make monetary transactions in euro via European banks as intermediaries.
Under the system, when Korean companies would send money to European banks that would exchange won into euro before transferring the money to Iranian banks.
So far, Korean businesses in industries including construction, shipbuilding, and automobile, have received payment in won via accounts named under Iran Central Bank managed by Woori Bank and Industrial Bank of Korea. Likewise, Iranian companies promoted trade with their Korean counterparts by receiving payment from Iran Central Bank. There have been no actual money transfers between Woori Bank and IBK and Iran Central Bank.
The euro-based payment system is expected to accelerate $45.6 billion worth project deals that have been provisionally signed between Korea and Iran in May.
Korean shipbuilders have already signed 3 trillion won ($2.7 billion) worth memorandum of understanding with Iran while state utility firms Korea Gas Corporation and Korea Electric Power Corporation are each engaged in multi-billion-dollar energy projects.
Six construction firms including Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co. have also been selected as the preferred bidder for an order for 2.3 trillion won worth hospital construction project last month.
Korean policy institutions are also moving swiftly to benefit from the Iranian boon. The Export-Import Bank of Korea has introduced a $15 billion financial package support for local businesses. It is also in last-minute talks with the Iran Central Bank in signing a financing deal to support exports.
The Korea Trade Insurance Corporation has also sent a draft of a contract to Iran that includes 5 billion euro worth export financing support. The corporation expects the contract to go through in September at the earliest if the euro-based payment system launches on time.
Iran, which is a major trade partner with Europe, has long preferred payments to be made in euro. However, this has been impossible for Korean firms when promoting trade with their Iranian counterparts as they must first be converted into dollars which could go against U.S. local law. Korean firms have long been campaigning for euro-based payment system to expand their trade with Iran.


Mountainman:   As We APPROACH D DAY in The GLOBAL MARKETS........MAJOR CURRENCIES will Head South for the {FALL}.....I fully Expect to See this Become More of A REALITY as the "FALL" Approaches........

Yes, MANY "LEAVES" will {FALL} and This will Allow Others COUNTRIES to  BEGIN to RISE........This ALONG w/CHINA'S Surge to OCTOBER 1,2016 Should Be GREAT SIGNS of A NEW GLOBAL REALITY for MANY........INDEED IMO

Blessings,Mountainman   (8)=New Beginnings........for A SLIP n SLIDE........That LEADS MANY to RISE and {FALL}.......

Don961:  Emerging Markets Climb to One-Year High
.Tuesday, August 2, 2016 - 02:00    World Economy
Emerging-market stocks and currencies climbed to their highest levels in about a year, as reduced bets for US interest-rate increases and prospects for more stimulus in Asia spurred demand for higher-yielding assets.
Chinese shares in Hong Kong rallied after a private manufacturing index unexpectedly rose to the highest since February 2015.
Turkish equities rose for a fourth day, having recovered nearly half of the losses following a failed coup. Malaysia’s ringgit and South Korea’s won led gains in currencies, Bloomberg reported.
Investors added more than $2 billion to exchange-traded funds that buy emerging-market stocks and bonds last week. Polish bonds rose, with yields on 10-year debt falling to an eight-month low.
Equities and currencies are extending two months of gains after a report showed the US gross domestic product grew at less than half the pace forecast by analysts, fueling bets the Federal Reserve will refrain from raising rates.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe may unveil details of his fiscal package on Tuesday after the Bank of Japan added to its easing last week, and economists forecast policy rates in Australia and England will be cut further from record lows this week.
“Lower for longer is good for higher-yielding assets, such as emerging-market equities and it prevents a rising dollar,” said Nathan Griffiths, who helps oversee about $1.1 billion as a senior money manager at NN Investment Partners in The Hague.
“It also leads to a better growth differential for emerging markets over developed markets.”
Futures signal a 39% chance of higher US rates by year end, down from 48% a week earlier. The first month where traders see better-than-even odds for an increase has been pushed back to September 2017 from March.
Exchange-traded funds that buy emerging-market stocks and bonds are on a nine-week winning streak with a record $12.9 billion invested.


StarChild: Dow Suffers Longest Losing Streak In A Year As Crude Crashes, Credit Craters

by Tyler Durden   Aug 1, 2016 4:03 PM

After a multi-decade record 9 up-days in a row, The Dow is now down 6 days in a row - the longest losing streak since August 2015...

The S&P 500 managed to make intraday record highs once again, thanks to a VIX smash to 12.00... but then the machines ran out of stops again...

As investors rushed for the safe haven triple-digit P/Es of FANG stocks...
Which sent Nasdaq higher on the day.. and thanks to an utterly farcical panic bid into the close, Small Caps managed green too...

Read more at :  ..


Oscar:   Wang Dang said last night that Shabibi will be announced soon and then you will see the lower demos- he said the 82nd Airborne Division had a battalion there now ready to clean up the dollars- he indicated this is day to day now.   I should have said a paymaster battalion

Oscar:  Wang says Shabibi has been in Iraq for quite some time and that they promised to bring him forth very soon and then it would just be a matter of hours

Striker:  Just remember Kuwait!!! They took out an entire full page ad & said they would never Reform monetarily & the VERY NEXT DAY they RV'd!!! Just keep believing! Those who do will be rewarded!!!

Emailed to Recaps:

DR. CLARKE: BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS......Last week of SEPTEMBER. BOOM! Count'm. That's ALL you need to know. That's ALL you need to know.

Dr. Clarke



Tishwash:   Zimbabwe: Switzerland Stands By Zimbabwe
By Christopher Farai Charamba

Switzerland has pledged to support Zimbabwe's re-engagement efforts with international financial institutions while committing to strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries. Speaking during Switzerland's national day recently, Swiss Ambassador to Zimbabwe Ms Ruth Huber said her country was assisting Harare with strategies to clear arrears to international financial institutions.

"We stand ready to continue supporting the process, which we consider a necessary first step on the path to economic recovery and the development of Zimbabwe." She said her country and Zimbabwe were close to signing an agreement on international cooperation strengthening relations between the two countries.

"Our activities show that Switzerland is strengthening its presence in Zimbabwe. We have recently concluded negotiations of an Agreement on International Cooperation and will sign it in the coming months, in order to place our bilateral collaboration in a clear legal framework," she said.

She said her country's regional development programme for Southern Africa implemented through the Agency for Development and Cooperation had relocated to Zimbabwe.

"Through this regional programme we support different initiatives and projects in areas of food security and HIV/AIDS. Different institutions from Zimbabwe benefit from these development projects, alongside other SADC countries such as Malawi, Zambia, Lesotho and Swaziland as well as the SADC-Secretariat in Botswana," she said.
Foreign Affairs Deputy Minister Edgar Mbwembwe, said Zimbabwe appreciated the continued support Switzerland had given in the re-engagement process. "I take this opportunity to acknowledge your country's significant support in the ongoing negotiations between Zimbabwe and the international financial institutions.

"The success of these negotiations will go a long way in enabling Zimbabwe to deal with some of its formidable and surmountable challenges. "It will take a great deal of cooperation and confidence building for us to once again be a competitive actor in the global economy," he said.

Deputy Minister Mbwembwe said Zimbabwe was committed to strengthening the bilateral relations between the two countries. "We are confident that this incipient dialogue will open many opportunities for the mutual benefit of our two countries. Let me assure you of our commitment to continue engaging in fruitful dialogue with the Swiss government.," he said.
The Swiss national day falls on August 1 and was founded 725 years ago

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BLC Tlm724 & Shredd News & Comments 8-1-16 Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BLC Admins Tlm724 & Shredd News & Comments 8-1-16 Part 2 of 2

(Part of the below articles & comments were posted as a stand- alone post on the blog earlier today They are included here as more was added later and was a part of the complete BLC news & comments post)

The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic systems

Author: ASJ  Editor: BK, BS 08/01/2016 12:48   Long-Presse / Baghdad
Iraqi Central Bank revealed on Monday, all give him the government banks until next September, to adapt itself to electronic systems and transactions, while among the beneficiaries and users proportion of those dealings in Iraq, 

"not to exceed" ten percent, favored the possibility of the contribution of orientations to expand their use and take advantage of 77 percent of the money supply in the possession of citizens outside the banks, get rid of the cash circulation problems.
The governor of the central bank and the agency, on the Keywords, in an interview (range Press), "The payment system is an important pillar of the banking and financial sector," noting that it "consists of two phases first is related to the large total transactions between banks and companies within a system to settle and make clearing operations and liquidation of the great number of daily banking transactions. "
He Keywords that "the second phase of a retail of transactions daily for individuals to pay their obligations through electronic or mobile phone and other card payment system," noting that "the role of the central bank is monitoring and supervision beyond the field to the presence of problematic in banking transactions at the country level and the requisite large size of the precise organization. "
He explained the governor, that "the role of the central bank may be an operator or partner or used for system electronic banking," stressing that "the future role of the Central Bank is to supervise the system to be entrusted to operating the task to a company or a group belonging to the private sector companies."
Keywords and saw that "the application of electronic trading requires work to provide the infrastructure required," pointing out that such "legislative legal structure governing the banking services to all its details."
He said the central bank governor, that "the Central Bank conducted a comprehensive review of the laws of banking and regulations in force and to develop an initial draft of the required legislation in this area, and issued an electronic payment system and controls subscribe to the infrastructure of the payment system retail," noting that "the amount of $ 20 trillion dinars are being handled by a month under this system, a fast, accurate and support the national economy, away from a lot of problems. "
Promised Keywords, said that "very cool and sophisticated retail payment system and helps the bank to follow all these processes and to prevent violations and abuses, which is updated through the end of 2015, which are no problem," pointing out that "the Central Bank is currently working with the World Bank to review and evaluate the national payments system, where it was formed three locations of the data in the whole of Iraq, as well as one location outside Iraq to recover from the risks. "
He went on, saying the central bank governor, said that "Iraq needs a comprehensive banking systems, followed by the banking system to be able to achieve its objectives," revealing "a lack of State-owned banks for such an electronic system even though it has hundreds of branches."
And gave Keywords "State-owned banks until next September, to adjust their positions within this electronic system," Mstrsla that "the central bank takes the organizational side by issuing controls the use of electronic credit cards and there are plenty of companies that submitted bids for work on the processing of these cards the bank to the fact that the center has divided National, which regulates these processes, and represents an incubator electronic banking operations. "
Continued conservative, that "the Bank has developed a court will be launched in early 2017 to regulate such operations plan," and expressed regret that "as a result of the low percentage of beneficiaries and users in Iraq who do not exceed ten percent, and eight percent of these are very limited operations such as receiving only salary, and that only two percent of Iraqis are using smart cards ".
He expressed the Keywords, believed that "the trends in will help expand financial inclusion through the entry of more citizens to these systems and thus take advantage of in the possession of people's money supply which amounts to 77 percent outside the system, as well as get rid of the cash circulation problems."
The governor of the central bank and the agency, identified in (the thirtieth of July 2016), the next year in 2017, as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through the mail or e-dinar cards, he returned that will facilitate transactions between government departments.      LINK
 [tlm724] Thank you BondLady !! Loving the news outta Iraq !!
[tlm724] Iraqi Central Bank revealed on Monday, all give him the government banks until next September, to adapt itself to electronic systems and transactions *wolfwhistle*
[tlm724] love a time schedule
[tlm724] while among the beneficiaries and users proportion of those dealings in Iraq, "not to exceed" ten percent, favored the possibility of the contribution of orientations to expand their use and take advantage of 77 percent of the money supply in the possession of citizens outside the banks, get rid of the cash circulation problems
[tlm724] take advantage of 77 percent of the money supply in the possession of citizens outside the banks, get rid of the cash circulation problems
[tlm724] get those dinars in the bank !!
[tlm724] Shredd the deposit law is done and has been Gazetted  
[Shredd] had to be for this move
[tlm724] yes !
[tlm724] He Keywords that "the second phase of a retail of transactions daily for individuals to pay their obligations through electronic or mobile phone and other card payment system," noting that "the role of the central bank is monitoring and supervision beyond the field to the presence of problematic in banking transactions at the country level and the requisite large size of the precise organization.
[Shredd] what's nice about this is as the currency regime changes, the real time adjusting will rely heavily on e-funds
[Shredd] this is a good marker that the CBI continues to move forward
[tlm724] And gave Keywords "State-owned banks until next September, to adjust their positions within this electronic system," Mstrsla that "the central bank takes the organizational side by issuing controls the use of electronic credit cards and there are plenty of companies that submitted bids for work on the processing of these cards the bank to the fact that the center has divided National, which regulates these processes, and represents an incubator electronic banking operations
[tlm724] Shredd just so your caught up Ernst & Young have 125 days of control of the state banks, getting them up to par 
[Shredd] tyvm
[tlm724] yw
[tlm724] "the Bank has developed a court will be launched in early 2017 to regulate such operations plan," and expressed regret that "as a result of the low percentage of beneficiaries and users in Iraq who do not exceed ten percent, and eight percent of these are very limited operations such as receiving only salary, and that only two percent of Iraqis are using smart cards
[tlm724] only 10 % of the population is using the electronic system right now but not for long !!
[tlm724] that "the trends in will help expand financial inclusion through the entry of more citizens to these systems and thus take advantage of in the possession of people's money supply which amounts to 77 percent outside the system,
[tlm724] this is going to bring in trillions of dinars off the streets which is exactly what we want !
[tlm724] stability is ongoing as well, all the things needed to make the transition and delete the zero's !
[Shredd] my mind goes to the ease of investments too
[Shredd] as the credit rating improves, banking laws implemented and ease of transactions, we are seeing big steps being taken these last few years to get Iraq on par with participating in the lending/borrowing investment economic process. Steps forward not steps backwards!
[tlm724] quantum leaps !!!
[Shredd] and with the deposit law, good stuff
(This was added later):
Tlm724:  The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic systems
12:50:25 1.8.2016 | (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad revealed the Iraqi Central Bank, on Monday, all give him the government banks until next September, to adapt itself to electronic systems and transactions, while among the beneficiaries and users proportion of those dealings in Iraq ,
"not to exceed" ten percent, favored the possibility of contribution orientations to expand their use and benefit from 77 percent of the money supply in the possession of citizens outside the banks, get rid of the cash circulation problems.
The governor of the central bank and the agency, on the Keywords, " The payment system is an important pillar of the banking and financial sector," he said . " consists of two phases first is related to the large total transactions between banks and companies within the system is settled and conducting clearing operations and liquidation of the great number of daily banking transactions. "
 He added Keywords," The second phase is a system of payment Retail of transactions daily for individuals to pay their obligations through electronic card or mobile and other phone , "noting that" the role of the central bank is monitoring and supervision beyond the field to the presence of problematic in banking transactions at the country level and the requisite large size of the precise organization. "
 He explained the governor, that" the role of the central bank may be an operator or partner or using the electronic system banking , "stressing that" the future role of the Central Bank is to supervise the system to be entrusted to operating the task to a company or a group belonging to the private sector companies.
" felt Keywords, that" the application of electronic trading requires work to provide the infrastructure required , "pointing that such "legislative legal structure governing the banking services to all its details."
He said the central bank governor, that " the Central Bank conducted a comprehensive review of the laws of banking and regulations in force and to develop an initial draft of the required legislation in this area, and issued an electronic payment system and controls subscribe to the infrastructure of the payment system Retail ,
 "noting that" the amount of $ 20 trillion dinars are being handled by a month in the framework of this system which is fast, accurate and support the national economy, away from a lot of problems. "
promised Keywords, said that" very cool and sophisticated retail payment system and helps the bank to pursue all these operations and to prevent violations and abuses, which is updated through the end of 2015, but not as a problem , "
pointing out that" the Central Bank is currently working with the World Bank to review and evaluate the national payments system, which was formed three locations of the data in the whole of Iraq, as well as one location outside Iraq to recover the risks. "
 he went on the central bank governor , saying that" Iraq is in need of a comprehensive banking systems followed by banks to enable the system to achieve its objectives , "revealing" a lack of State - owned banks for such an electronic system even though it has hundreds of branches. "
and gave Keywords "State - owned banks until next September, to adjust their positions within this electronic system," Mstrsla that " the central bank takes the organizational side by issuing controls the use of electronic credit cards and there are plenty of companies that submitted bids for work on the processing of these cards to the fact that Bank Center has a national divider which regulates these processes, and represents an incubator electronic banking operations. "
 continued the governor, that" the Bank elaborate scheme will be launched in early 2017 to regulate such operations , "and expressed regret that " as a result of the low percentage of beneficiaries and users in Iraq who do not exceed ten percent, and eight percent of these are very limited operations such as receiving salary only, and that only two percent of Iraqis are using smart cards. "
He expressed the Keywords, believed that" the trends in will help expand financial inclusion through the entry of more citizens to these systems and thus take advantage of in the possession of people 's money supply which amounts to 77 percent outside the system, as well as get rid of the cash circulation problems. "
 the governor of the central bank and the agency, identified in ( the thirtieth of July 2016), in the next 2017, as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through the mail or e - dinar cards, they returned that will facilitate transactions between government departments.

The central bank sets the date of the launch of the electronic currency in Iraq

Ali Abdul Salman 47   08/01/2016   Revealed the governor and agency of the Central Bank, on the Keywords, the identification of next year as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through a dinar or e - card.
Keywords and said, in a press statement on Sunday, said that the launch of the electronic currency would be after the termination of the Central Bank of infrastructure structures necessary for the operation of electronic payment through dinar electronic Oualbtaqat.
He Keywords that this order would facilitate the deal between the state institutions, adding that the country is facing economic challenges and overcome them dependent on an improvement in oil prices as a financier President of Finance for the budget.
the oil Ministry has stressed, in a statement on Saturday that oil prices have implications and effects on Iraqi economic reality, and in order to cope with these effects is necessary to build a new Iraqi economy depends on agriculture , and to encourage other industry sectors.
 [tlm724] *wolfwhistle*
[tlm724] the Central Bank, on the Keywords, the identification of next year as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through a dinar or e - card
[tlm724] that the launch of the electronic currency would be after the termination of the Central Bank of infrastructure structures necessary for the operation of electronic payment through dinar electronic Oualbtaqat.
[tlm724] infrastructure structures is getting all the banks and machines ready which we just read about Wink
The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic systems
(This was added later): 

Tlm724:  The central bank sets the date of the launch of the electronic currency in Iraq
5:47:00 1.8.2016 | (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad revealed the central bank governor, on the Keywords, the identification of next year as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through a dinar or e - card.
Keywords and said, in a press statement on Sunday, the launch of the electronic currency would be after the termination of the Central Bank for infrastructure necessary for the operation of electronic payment through the dinar electronic Oualbtaqat.
He Keywords that this order would facilitate the deal between the state institutions, adding that the country is facing economic challenges and overcome them dependent on an improvement in oil prices as a financier President of Finance for the budget.
the oil Ministry has stressed, in its statement Saturday, that oil prices have implications and effects on Iraqi economic reality, and in order to cope with these effects is necessary to build a new Iraqi economy depends on agriculture , and to encourage other industry sectors.

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BLC Tlm724 & Shredd News & Comments 8-1-16 Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BLC Admins Tlm724 & Shredd News & Comments 8-1-16 Part 1 of 2

Work provides 120 billion check my credit and social protection
01/08/2016 10:02 |  Direction Press / Baghdad  It revealed that the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, on Monday, provided for the amount of 120 billion dinars during check my credit and social protection as a first stage.
Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Mohamed Xiaa Sudan said in a statement that "the direction Press" obtained a copy of it today that "the ministry has achieved great success in helping social protection file by subjecting beneficiaries to the process of extensive scrutiny to detect abusers and grant money to eligible real amount of the subsidy."
And between the Sudanese that "financial and administrative corruption file an obstacle in front of the Iraqi state after 2003 so we gave great importance to this file and we focused on my loans and the social protection network has undergone a massive scrutiny of international organizations testimony which I positively on the audit process, noting that the audit process provided funds big up to 120 billion dinars, as a first stage, it is hoped to announce soon the details of the second phase, which was distributed among citizens and a group of commentators and some weak people. "

"The ministry has procedures deterrent against those involved administrative and financial corruption, pointing out that some of the staff have been referred to the legal department and the Office of the Inspector General for involvement of stealing money Am, have we referred Melvin two Mosul file before 2014 file Diyala in terms of social welfare to the Integrity Commission and the nature of the work of the ministry service so the suspicions of corruption are not great, there are no contracts have not Mnaqsat, but we seek to reduce friction between the citizens and employees through activation of the electronic system for the promotion of transactions. "
tlm724     that "financial and administrative corruption file an obstacle in front of the Iraqi state after 2003 so we gave great importance to this file and we focused on my loans and the social protection network has undergone a massive scrutiny of international organizations testimony which I positively on the audit process, noting that the audit process provided funds big up to 120 billion dinars, as a first stage, it is hoped to announce soon the details of the second phase, which was distributed among citizens and a group of commentators and some weak people. "
we seek to reduce friction between the citizens and employees through activation of the electronic system for the promotion of transactions. "
Minister of Labour: to provide about 120 billion dinars in the first phase through check my credit and social protection
2:29:00 a.m. 1.8.2016 | (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad , said Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Mohamed Xiaa Sudanese that the ministry has achieved great success in helping social protection file through Akhaddag beneficiaries of the process of extensive scrutiny to detect abusers and grant money to eligible real amount of the subsidy.
And between the Sudanese that the financial and administrative corruption file an obstacle in front of the Iraqi state after 2003 so we gave great importance to this file and we focused on my loans and the social protection network has been subjected to the process of scrutiny and broad international organizations testimony which I positively on the audit process ,
noting that the audit process provided significant funds up to 120 billion dinars , as a first stage, and hoped to announce soon the details of the second phase , which was distributed among citizens and a group of commentators and some weak people.
He added that the ministry has procedures deterrent against those involved administrative and financial corruption, pointing out that some of the staff have been referred to the legal department and the Office of the Inspector General for involvement of stealing money Am,
have we referred Melvin two Mosul file before 2014 file Diyala in terms of social welfare to the integrity Commission and the nature of the ministry of service work, so the suspicions of corruption are not great we have no contract nor Mnaqsat, but we seek to reduce friction between the citizens and employees through activation of the electronic system to promote the transactions.
Baghdad Investment: Launch chance 32 billion dollars worth of investment
01/08/2016 11:37 | Direction Press / follow-up
Baghdad Investment Authority announced on Monday the launch of 32 investment opportunities worth more than a billion dollars, saying that it will provide all the important facilities to investors.
The head of the Shaker Zamili in a statement that "the Commission announced 32 investment opportunity in Baghdad in the initiative is the first of them being launched away from administrative bureaucracy and red tape," he said, adding that "the investment value of these investment opportunities will exceed one billion dollars."
He added that "investment opportunities in various sectors will include residential and tourism, health, education and other sectors such as," noting that "the Commission will provide all facilities to the investor in order to expedite the establishment of such an important project."   
 [tlm724] "the Commission announced 32 investment opportunity in Baghdad in the initiative is the first of them being launched away from administrative bureaucracy and red tape," he said, adding that "the investment value of these investment opportunities will exceed one billion dollars."
booming !! Very Happy
tlm724    Alloush: investment opportunities will be granted unrestricted free from excesses and its territory
14:31:55 1.8.2016 | (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad announced Amina Baghdad anniversary Alloush, Monday, that the capital needs to investors , real and serious work, stressing that investment opportunities will be granted free of excesses land and without restrictions.
She Alloush: "launched today 0.32 investment opportunity after studies depth between them and Baghdad Investment Authority to put far away from interference problems and routine investment map ", stressing that" the land that will create these projects it will be free from excesses. "
she Alloush, that" the investor will have the opportunity to invest directly without any restrictions or roaming in the secretariat Baghdad, that they are actually investors real and serious work , "indicating that" the Baghdad Municipality will sell Alkareas own investment opportunities on Tuesday and will be given to these opportunities and direct them 45 days after the presentation. "
 He noted Alloush that" the security reality one of the reasons for the reluctance of foreigners for investment in Baghdad, but no Iraqi companies participate with foreign firms carrying out investment projects in the city of Baghdad. " the Baghdad investment Authority announced on Monday (1 August 2016), the launch of 32 investment opportunity worth more than a billion dollars.
Alforeighalomrakih: International grant of Iraq will not hand over to the government in Baghdad and the Kurdistan ..!
Ali Abdul Salman 77   08/01/2016   It announced that the US State Department, the existence of misunderstanding with regard to international assistance to Iraq and how they are connected, and after about a week of hosting the United States, an international conference to help Iraq financially, which resulted in the collection of aid worth one billion and 200 million dollars for Iraq.
And about how to distribute the money to Baghdad and the Kurdistan region, he said a spokesman for the US State Department, John Kirby, told a news conference, "There is a misunderstanding about how to deliver the aid."
He said Kirby, that "aid will not be delivered not to the federal government in Baghdad, nor to the Kurdistan Regional Government in Arbil, but will be handed over to the United Nations, and will be distributed by aid agencies and humanitarian organizations, according to the needs of different regions in Iraq, its use as a project for humanitarian aid or for the reconstruction of areas. "
He continued, "The United States and the international community trusts the UN completely, it will lead to the aid of those displaced or areas liberated from the grip of Daash properly."
And held in 07/20/2016, Maryland, conference devoted in part to help Iraq, without inviting a representative of the Kurdistan Region to participate in the conference at the request of the Iraqi foreign minister, prompting the head of the Kurdistan region, the official Department of Foreign Affairs to express their dissatisfaction with it .
tlm724    Kirby, that "aid will not be delivered not to the federal government in Baghdad, nor to the Kurdistan Regional Government in Arbil, but will be handed over to the United Nations, and will be distributed by aid agencies and humanitarian organizations, according to the needs of different regions in Iraq, its use as a project for humanitarian aid or for the reconstruction of areas. "
conference devoted in part to help Iraq, without inviting a representative of the Kurdistan Region to participate in the conference at the request of the Iraqi foreign minister, prompting the head of the Kurdistan region, the official Department of Foreign Affairs to express their dissatisfaction with it . 
Kurds =

Sadr calls for a boycott of American diplomats in Basra

01/08/2016 12:43 |  Direction Press / Najaf   He criticized the cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, the US diplomatic presence in Basra, and in particular, the presence of an American flag in one hospital in Basra and frequency Ambassador and Consul them.
Sadr said in his comment Bhmaalhon "They are occupiers should boycott any form". The sa
tlm724  (rolls eyes)
Chairman of the parliament went honored the committee in charge of the file of the marshes
Local   Since 01/08/2016 12:06 am (Baghdad time)   Baghdad balances News   He directed presidency of the parliament, on Monday, honoring the committee charged with the inclusion of the marsh to the World Heritage list.
A parliamentary source said, L / balance News /, said that "the Presidency of the parliament and directed during the parliament session today, honoring the committee charged with the inclusion of the marsh to the World Heritage List."
He added that "the parliament speaker Salim al
tlm724    “honoring the committee charged with the inclusion of the marsh to the World Heritage List."

So well done !!!

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Dinar Updates Monday AM Chat 8-1-16   Part 1 of 2

Post From Dinar Updates
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights
Dinar Updates Monday AM Chat 8-1-16   Part 1 of 2
ol lar says():Interesting this article about the launching of the "Dinar or e-card" shows a picture of bitcoin. I am beginning to think the 2017 launch may be a translation problem about Iraqs crypto currency and the term electronic currency,


ol lar says(6:48 AM):we will soon see   sorry I used the word --  'soon'
ol lar says():  LINK

The central bank plans to expand the application of electronic trading
The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic systems
wisconsindinar says():Sept is good!
DIGIman1 says():works for me....where do i sign?
wisconsindinar says():Just hope its not sept 2023
larrykn says to rcookie():gm :)
ol lar says():Interesting this article about the launching of the "Dinar or e-card" shows a picture of bitcoin. I am beginning to think the 2017 launch may be a translation problem about Iraqs crypto currency and the term electronic currency,
ol lar says():just a guess
1bobby says():So how will this MOD and President of Parliament ordeal play out as far as voting taking place. Not very familar with the procedures in a case like this. I'm sure they will have a temp POM take over?
1bobby says():Excuse me....not POM but Speaker of Parliament
1bobby says():Ya thinking he did this to defer accusations against himself?
rcookie says():Parliament questioned the Minister of Defense and vote on a draft law today
Author: AR  Editor: AR  08/01/2016 09:05   Number of Views: 445  Long-Presse / Baghdad
Hold the Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Monday, its eighth of the first legislative term of the third legislative year, while the meeting will interrogate Defence Minister Khaled al-Obeidi and vote on the bill.
She said the information department of the parliament in a statement received, (long-Presse), a copy of which, "The House of Representatives will be held, in the 11th hour of the morning, its eighth of the legislative term of the first third legislative year," indicating that "the agenda of the meeting includes the questioning of the Minister of Defense Khaled al-Obeidi, and the host committee in charge of the inclusion of marsh within the World Heritage list. "
She said the information department, that "the meeting will also vote on candidates for the federal Public Service Board, and voting in principle to the project challenged the interests of the law, the verdicts and decisions of the Real Property Law," pointing out that "the meeting will see year-old topic of discussion (to compensate those affected by the recent events in Tuz spend). "
The information department and added that "the meeting will include the first reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to the preservation of migratory waterfowl African Eurasian, and the law of compensation for victims of justice agreement,"
pointing out that "the agenda includes a report and discussion of the proposed cancellation of the Revolutionary Command Council Resolution Act (dissolved) No. (481) for the year 1989, and the report and discuss the first draft amendment to the law take care of minors Law No. (78) for the year 1980, and the first draft amendment to the Law of Antiquities and Heritage Law No. (55) of the year 2002 ".
The presidency of the Iraqi parliament lifted Saturday (30 July 2016), the seventh session of the legislative term of the first third legislative year to Monday, while the meeting witnessed the vote on the ban on Baath Party Law, responded Act of Parliament and the direct writing of a new law does not include privileges for MPs.
Elane says):  The meeting's agenda No. [8] Monday [1] August 2016
August 01, 2016   First , read verses from the Koran. Secondly , the vote on the candidates of the Federal Public Service Board.
Third , to vote in principle on a draft law to challenge the interests of the judgments and decisions of the Real Property Act. ( Legal Committee ).
 Fourth: The questioning of the Minister of Defense.
Fifth: The host committee charged tray marshes within the World Heritage List.
Sixth: The first reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to maintain Ally birds African Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds Agreement. ( Committee on Foreign Relations , the Committee on Health and the Environment ), (2 items).
Seventh: The first reading of the draft law to compensate victims of justice. ( Human Rights Committee , the Legal Committee ), (11 articles).
Eighth: The report and discussion of the proposed cancellation of the Revolutionary Command Council Resolution Act (dissolved) No. (481) for the year 1989. ( Legal Committee ), (2 items).
IX: report and discuss the draft The first amendment to the law take care of minors Law No. (78) for the year 1980. ( The Committee on women, family and Children , the Finance Committee ), (16 articles).
Tenth: report and discuss the first draft amendment to the Law of Antiquities Law and Heritage No. (55) for the year 2002. ( Commission of Tourism and Antiquities , the Committee of religious Endowments and religious Affairs , the Committee on culture and Information ), (14 items).
eleventh: a general topic for discussion ( to compensate those affected by the recent events in the district of Tuz). (MP Niazi architecture Ihsanoglu.) Session start time: eleven in the morning.
Elane says():good morning!
rcookie says():CBI gives, government banks until next September, to adapt itself to electronic systems
08/01/2016It gave the Central Bank of Iraq, on Monday, the government banks until next September, to adapt itself to electronic systems and transactions, while between the percentage of beneficiaries and users of those dealings in Iraq, "not to exceed" ten percent, favored the possibility of the contribution of orientations to expand their use and benefit from 77 percent of money supply held by citizens outside the banks, get rid of the cash circulation problems.
The governor of the central bank and the agency, on the Keywords, in an interview Monday, said that "the payments system is an important pillar of the banking and financial sector,"
noting that it "consists of two phases first is related to the large total transactions between banks and companies within the system is settled and conducting operations clearing and liquidation of the great number of daily banking transactions. "
He Keywords that "the second phase of a retail of transactions daily for individuals to pay their obligations through electronic or mobile phone and other card payment system,"
noting that "the role of the central bank is monitoring and supervision beyond the field to the presence of problematic in banking transactions at the country level and the requisite large size of the precise organization. "
He explained the governor, that "the role of the central bank may be an operator or partner or used for system electronic banking," stressing that "the future role of the Central Bank is to supervise the system to be entrusted to operating the task to a company or a group belonging to the private sector companies."
Keywords and saw that "the application of electronic trading requires work to provide the infrastructure required," pointing out that such "legislative legal structure governing the banking services to all its details." 
He said the central bank governor, that "the Central Bank conducted a comprehensive review of the laws of banking and regulations in force and to develop an initial draft of the required legislation in this area, and issued an electronic payment system and controls subscribe to the infrastructure of the payment system retail," noting that "the amount of $ 20 trillion dinars are being handled by a month under this system, a fast, accurate and support the national economy, away from a lot of problems. "
Promised Keywords, said that "very cool and sophisticated retail payment system and helps the bank to follow all these processes and to prevent violations and abuses, which is updated through the end of 2015, which are no problem,"
pointing out that "the Central Bank is currently working with the World Bank to review and evaluate the national payments system , which was formed three locations of the data in the whole of Iraq, as well as one location outside Iraq to recover from the risks. "
He went on, saying the central bank governor, said that "Iraq needs a comprehensive banking systems, followed by the banking system to be able to achieve its objectives," revealing "a lack of State-owned banks for such an electronic system even though it has hundreds of branches."
And gave Keywords "State-owned banks until next September, to adjust their positions within this electronic system," noting that "the central bank takes the organizational side by issuing controls the use of electronic credit cards and there are plenty of companies that submitted bids for work on the processing of these cards to the fact that the central bank has divided National, which regulates these processes, and represents an incubator electronic banking operations. "
He went conservative, saying that "the Bank has developed a court will be launched in early 2017 to regulate such operations plan," and expressed regret that "as a result of the low percentage of beneficiaries and users in Iraq who do not exceed ten percent, and eight percent of these are very limited operations, such as received salary only, and that only two percent of Iraqis are using smart cards ".
He expressed the Keywords, a belief that "the trends in will help expand financial inclusion through the entry of more citizens to these systems and thus take advantage of in the possession of people's money supply which amounts to 77 percent outside the system, as well as get rid of the cash circulation problems."
The governor of the central bank identified in 2017, as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through Dinaralaketrona or electronic tags, returned that will facilitate transactions between government departments

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

Dinar Updates Monday AM Chat 8-1-16   Part 1 of 2

Post From Dinar Updates
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights
Dinar Updates Monday AM Chat 8-1-16   Part 1 of 2
ol lar says():Interesting this article about the launching of the "Dinar or e-card" shows a picture of bitcoin. I am beginning to think the 2017 launch may be a translation problem about Iraqs crypto currency and the term electronic currency,


ol lar says(6:48 AM):we will soon see   sorry I used the word --  'soon'
ol lar says():  LINK

The central bank plans to expand the application of electronic trading
The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic systems
wisconsindinar says():Sept is good!
DIGIman1 says():works for me....where do i sign?
wisconsindinar says():Just hope its not sept 2023
larrykn says to rcookie():gm :)
ol lar says():Interesting this article about the launching of the "Dinar or e-card" shows a picture of bitcoin. I am beginning to think the 2017 launch may be a translation problem about Iraqs crypto currency and the term electronic currency,
ol lar says():just a guess
1bobby says():So how will this MOD and President of Parliament ordeal play out as far as voting taking place. Not very familar with the procedures in a case like this. I'm sure they will have a temp POM take over?
1bobby says():Excuse me....not POM but Speaker of Parliament
1bobby says():Ya thinking he did this to defer accusations against himself?
rcookie says():Parliament questioned the Minister of Defense and vote on a draft law today
Author: AR  Editor: AR  08/01/2016 09:05   Number of Views: 445  Long-Presse / Baghdad
Hold the Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Monday, its eighth of the first legislative term of the third legislative year, while the meeting will interrogate Defence Minister Khaled al-Obeidi and vote on the bill.
She said the information department of the parliament in a statement received, (long-Presse), a copy of which, "The House of Representatives will be held, in the 11th hour of the morning, its eighth of the legislative term of the first third legislative year," indicating that "the agenda of the meeting includes the questioning of the Minister of Defense Khaled al-Obeidi, and the host committee in charge of the inclusion of marsh within the World Heritage list. "
She said the information department, that "the meeting will also vote on candidates for the federal Public Service Board, and voting in principle to the project challenged the interests of the law, the verdicts and decisions of the Real Property Law," pointing out that "the meeting will see year-old topic of discussion (to compensate those affected by the recent events in Tuz spend). "
The information department and added that "the meeting will include the first reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to the preservation of migratory waterfowl African Eurasian, and the law of compensation for victims of justice agreement,"
pointing out that "the agenda includes a report and discussion of the proposed cancellation of the Revolutionary Command Council Resolution Act (dissolved) No. (481) for the year 1989, and the report and discuss the first draft amendment to the law take care of minors Law No. (78) for the year 1980, and the first draft amendment to the Law of Antiquities and Heritage Law No. (55) of the year 2002 ".
The presidency of the Iraqi parliament lifted Saturday (30 July 2016), the seventh session of the legislative term of the first third legislative year to Monday, while the meeting witnessed the vote on the ban on Baath Party Law, responded Act of Parliament and the direct writing of a new law does not include privileges for MPs.
Elane says):  The meeting's agenda No. [8] Monday [1] August 2016
August 01, 2016   First , read verses from the Koran. Secondly , the vote on the candidates of the Federal Public Service Board.
Third , to vote in principle on a draft law to challenge the interests of the judgments and decisions of the Real Property Act. ( Legal Committee ).
 Fourth: The questioning of the Minister of Defense.
Fifth: The host committee charged tray marshes within the World Heritage List.
Sixth: The first reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to maintain Ally birds African Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds Agreement. ( Committee on Foreign Relations , the Committee on Health and the Environment ), (2 items).
Seventh: The first reading of the draft law to compensate victims of justice. ( Human Rights Committee , the Legal Committee ), (11 articles).
Eighth: The report and discussion of the proposed cancellation of the Revolutionary Command Council Resolution Act (dissolved) No. (481) for the year 1989. ( Legal Committee ), (2 items).
IX: report and discuss the draft The first amendment to the law take care of minors Law No. (78) for the year 1980. ( The Committee on women, family and Children , the Finance Committee ), (16 articles).
Tenth: report and discuss the first draft amendment to the Law of Antiquities Law and Heritage No. (55) for the year 2002. ( Commission of Tourism and Antiquities , the Committee of religious Endowments and religious Affairs , the Committee on culture and Information ), (14 items).
eleventh: a general topic for discussion ( to compensate those affected by the recent events in the district of Tuz). (MP Niazi architecture Ihsanoglu.) Session start time: eleven in the morning.
Elane says():good morning!
rcookie says():CBI gives, government banks until next September, to adapt itself to electronic systems
08/01/2016It gave the Central Bank of Iraq, on Monday, the government banks until next September, to adapt itself to electronic systems and transactions, while between the percentage of beneficiaries and users of those dealings in Iraq, "not to exceed" ten percent, favored the possibility of the contribution of orientations to expand their use and benefit from 77 percent of money supply held by citizens outside the banks, get rid of the cash circulation problems.
The governor of the central bank and the agency, on the Keywords, in an interview Monday, said that "the payments system is an important pillar of the banking and financial sector,"
noting that it "consists of two phases first is related to the large total transactions between banks and companies within the system is settled and conducting operations clearing and liquidation of the great number of daily banking transactions. "
He Keywords that "the second phase of a retail of transactions daily for individuals to pay their obligations through electronic or mobile phone and other card payment system,"
noting that "the role of the central bank is monitoring and supervision beyond the field to the presence of problematic in banking transactions at the country level and the requisite large size of the precise organization. "
He explained the governor, that "the role of the central bank may be an operator or partner or used for system electronic banking," stressing that "the future role of the Central Bank is to supervise the system to be entrusted to operating the task to a company or a group belonging to the private sector companies."
Keywords and saw that "the application of electronic trading requires work to provide the infrastructure required," pointing out that such "legislative legal structure governing the banking services to all its details." 
He said the central bank governor, that "the Central Bank conducted a comprehensive review of the laws of banking and regulations in force and to develop an initial draft of the required legislation in this area, and issued an electronic payment system and controls subscribe to the infrastructure of the payment system retail," noting that "the amount of $ 20 trillion dinars are being handled by a month under this system, a fast, accurate and support the national economy, away from a lot of problems. "
Promised Keywords, said that "very cool and sophisticated retail payment system and helps the bank to follow all these processes and to prevent violations and abuses, which is updated through the end of 2015, which are no problem,"
pointing out that "the Central Bank is currently working with the World Bank to review and evaluate the national payments system , which was formed three locations of the data in the whole of Iraq, as well as one location outside Iraq to recover from the risks. "
He went on, saying the central bank governor, said that "Iraq needs a comprehensive banking systems, followed by the banking system to be able to achieve its objectives," revealing "a lack of State-owned banks for such an electronic system even though it has hundreds of branches."
And gave Keywords "State-owned banks until next September, to adjust their positions within this electronic system," noting that "the central bank takes the organizational side by issuing controls the use of electronic credit cards and there are plenty of companies that submitted bids for work on the processing of these cards to the fact that the central bank has divided National, which regulates these processes, and represents an incubator electronic banking operations. "
He went conservative, saying that "the Bank has developed a court will be launched in early 2017 to regulate such operations plan," and expressed regret that "as a result of the low percentage of beneficiaries and users in Iraq who do not exceed ten percent, and eight percent of these are very limited operations, such as received salary only, and that only two percent of Iraqis are using smart cards ".
He expressed the Keywords, a belief that "the trends in will help expand financial inclusion through the entry of more citizens to these systems and thus take advantage of in the possession of people's money supply which amounts to 77 percent outside the system, as well as get rid of the cash circulation problems."
The governor of the central bank identified in 2017, as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through Dinaralaketrona or electronic tags, returned that will facilitate transactions between government departments

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

Dinar Updates Monday AM Chat 8-1-16   Part 1 of 2

Post From Dinar Updates
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights
Dinar Updates Monday AM Chat 8-1-16   Part 1 of 2
ol lar says():Interesting this article about the launching of the "Dinar or e-card" shows a picture of bitcoin. I am beginning to think the 2017 launch may be a translation problem about Iraqs crypto currency and the term electronic currency,


ol lar says(6:48 AM):we will soon see   sorry I used the word --  'soon'
ol lar says():  LINK

The central bank plans to expand the application of electronic trading
The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic systems
wisconsindinar says():Sept is good!
DIGIman1 says():works for me....where do i sign?
wisconsindinar says():Just hope its not sept 2023
larrykn says to rcookie():gm :)
ol lar says():Interesting this article about the launching of the "Dinar or e-card" shows a picture of bitcoin. I am beginning to think the 2017 launch may be a translation problem about Iraqs crypto currency and the term electronic currency,
ol lar says():just a guess
1bobby says():So how will this MOD and President of Parliament ordeal play out as far as voting taking place. Not very familar with the procedures in a case like this. I'm sure they will have a temp POM take over?
1bobby says():Excuse me....not POM but Speaker of Parliament
1bobby says():Ya thinking he did this to defer accusations against himself?
rcookie says():Parliament questioned the Minister of Defense and vote on a draft law today
Author: AR  Editor: AR  08/01/2016 09:05   Number of Views: 445  Long-Presse / Baghdad
Hold the Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Monday, its eighth of the first legislative term of the third legislative year, while the meeting will interrogate Defence Minister Khaled al-Obeidi and vote on the bill.
She said the information department of the parliament in a statement received, (long-Presse), a copy of which, "The House of Representatives will be held, in the 11th hour of the morning, its eighth of the legislative term of the first third legislative year," indicating that "the agenda of the meeting includes the questioning of the Minister of Defense Khaled al-Obeidi, and the host committee in charge of the inclusion of marsh within the World Heritage list. "
She said the information department, that "the meeting will also vote on candidates for the federal Public Service Board, and voting in principle to the project challenged the interests of the law, the verdicts and decisions of the Real Property Law," pointing out that "the meeting will see year-old topic of discussion (to compensate those affected by the recent events in Tuz spend). "
The information department and added that "the meeting will include the first reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to the preservation of migratory waterfowl African Eurasian, and the law of compensation for victims of justice agreement,"
pointing out that "the agenda includes a report and discussion of the proposed cancellation of the Revolutionary Command Council Resolution Act (dissolved) No. (481) for the year 1989, and the report and discuss the first draft amendment to the law take care of minors Law No. (78) for the year 1980, and the first draft amendment to the Law of Antiquities and Heritage Law No. (55) of the year 2002 ".
The presidency of the Iraqi parliament lifted Saturday (30 July 2016), the seventh session of the legislative term of the first third legislative year to Monday, while the meeting witnessed the vote on the ban on Baath Party Law, responded Act of Parliament and the direct writing of a new law does not include privileges for MPs.
Elane says):  The meeting's agenda No. [8] Monday [1] August 2016
August 01, 2016   First , read verses from the Koran. Secondly , the vote on the candidates of the Federal Public Service Board.
Third , to vote in principle on a draft law to challenge the interests of the judgments and decisions of the Real Property Act. ( Legal Committee ).
 Fourth: The questioning of the Minister of Defense.
Fifth: The host committee charged tray marshes within the World Heritage List.
Sixth: The first reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to maintain Ally birds African Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds Agreement. ( Committee on Foreign Relations , the Committee on Health and the Environment ), (2 items).
Seventh: The first reading of the draft law to compensate victims of justice. ( Human Rights Committee , the Legal Committee ), (11 articles).
Eighth: The report and discussion of the proposed cancellation of the Revolutionary Command Council Resolution Act (dissolved) No. (481) for the year 1989. ( Legal Committee ), (2 items).
IX: report and discuss the draft The first amendment to the law take care of minors Law No. (78) for the year 1980. ( The Committee on women, family and Children , the Finance Committee ), (16 articles).
Tenth: report and discuss the first draft amendment to the Law of Antiquities Law and Heritage No. (55) for the year 2002. ( Commission of Tourism and Antiquities , the Committee of religious Endowments and religious Affairs , the Committee on culture and Information ), (14 items).
eleventh: a general topic for discussion ( to compensate those affected by the recent events in the district of Tuz). (MP Niazi architecture Ihsanoglu.) Session start time: eleven in the morning.
Elane says():good morning!
rcookie says():CBI gives, government banks until next September, to adapt itself to electronic systems
08/01/2016It gave the Central Bank of Iraq, on Monday, the government banks until next September, to adapt itself to electronic systems and transactions, while between the percentage of beneficiaries and users of those dealings in Iraq, "not to exceed" ten percent, favored the possibility of the contribution of orientations to expand their use and benefit from 77 percent of money supply held by citizens outside the banks, get rid of the cash circulation problems.
The governor of the central bank and the agency, on the Keywords, in an interview Monday, said that "the payments system is an important pillar of the banking and financial sector,"
noting that it "consists of two phases first is related to the large total transactions between banks and companies within the system is settled and conducting operations clearing and liquidation of the great number of daily banking transactions. "
He Keywords that "the second phase of a retail of transactions daily for individuals to pay their obligations through electronic or mobile phone and other card payment system,"
noting that "the role of the central bank is monitoring and supervision beyond the field to the presence of problematic in banking transactions at the country level and the requisite large size of the precise organization. "
He explained the governor, that "the role of the central bank may be an operator or partner or used for system electronic banking," stressing that "the future role of the Central Bank is to supervise the system to be entrusted to operating the task to a company or a group belonging to the private sector companies."
Keywords and saw that "the application of electronic trading requires work to provide the infrastructure required," pointing out that such "legislative legal structure governing the banking services to all its details." 
He said the central bank governor, that "the Central Bank conducted a comprehensive review of the laws of banking and regulations in force and to develop an initial draft of the required legislation in this area, and issued an electronic payment system and controls subscribe to the infrastructure of the payment system retail," noting that "the amount of $ 20 trillion dinars are being handled by a month under this system, a fast, accurate and support the national economy, away from a lot of problems. "
Promised Keywords, said that "very cool and sophisticated retail payment system and helps the bank to follow all these processes and to prevent violations and abuses, which is updated through the end of 2015, which are no problem,"
pointing out that "the Central Bank is currently working with the World Bank to review and evaluate the national payments system , which was formed three locations of the data in the whole of Iraq, as well as one location outside Iraq to recover from the risks. "
He went on, saying the central bank governor, said that "Iraq needs a comprehensive banking systems, followed by the banking system to be able to achieve its objectives," revealing "a lack of State-owned banks for such an electronic system even though it has hundreds of branches."
And gave Keywords "State-owned banks until next September, to adjust their positions within this electronic system," noting that "the central bank takes the organizational side by issuing controls the use of electronic credit cards and there are plenty of companies that submitted bids for work on the processing of these cards to the fact that the central bank has divided National, which regulates these processes, and represents an incubator electronic banking operations. "
He went conservative, saying that "the Bank has developed a court will be launched in early 2017 to regulate such operations plan," and expressed regret that "as a result of the low percentage of beneficiaries and users in Iraq who do not exceed ten percent, and eight percent of these are very limited operations, such as received salary only, and that only two percent of Iraqis are using smart cards ".
He expressed the Keywords, a belief that "the trends in will help expand financial inclusion through the entry of more citizens to these systems and thus take advantage of in the possession of people's money supply which amounts to 77 percent outside the system, as well as get rid of the cash circulation problems."
The governor of the central bank identified in 2017, as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through Dinaralaketrona or electronic tags, returned that will facilitate transactions between government departments

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

Dinar Updates Monday AM Chat 8-1-16   Part 1 of 2

Post From Dinar Updates
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights
Dinar Updates Monday AM Chat 8-1-16   Part 1 of 2
ol lar says():Interesting this article about the launching of the "Dinar or e-card" shows a picture of bitcoin. I am beginning to think the 2017 launch may be a translation problem about Iraqs crypto currency and the term electronic currency,


ol lar says(6:48 AM):we will soon see   sorry I used the word --  'soon'
ol lar says():  LINK

The central bank plans to expand the application of electronic trading
The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic systems
wisconsindinar says():Sept is good!
DIGIman1 says():works for me....where do i sign?
wisconsindinar says():Just hope its not sept 2023
larrykn says to rcookie():gm :)
ol lar says():Interesting this article about the launching of the "Dinar or e-card" shows a picture of bitcoin. I am beginning to think the 2017 launch may be a translation problem about Iraqs crypto currency and the term electronic currency,
ol lar says():just a guess
1bobby says():So how will this MOD and President of Parliament ordeal play out as far as voting taking place. Not very familar with the procedures in a case like this. I'm sure they will have a temp POM take over?
1bobby says():Excuse me....not POM but Speaker of Parliament
1bobby says():Ya thinking he did this to defer accusations against himself?
rcookie says():Parliament questioned the Minister of Defense and vote on a draft law today
Author: AR  Editor: AR  08/01/2016 09:05   Number of Views: 445  Long-Presse / Baghdad
Hold the Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Monday, its eighth of the first legislative term of the third legislative year, while the meeting will interrogate Defence Minister Khaled al-Obeidi and vote on the bill.
She said the information department of the parliament in a statement received, (long-Presse), a copy of which, "The House of Representatives will be held, in the 11th hour of the morning, its eighth of the legislative term of the first third legislative year," indicating that "the agenda of the meeting includes the questioning of the Minister of Defense Khaled al-Obeidi, and the host committee in charge of the inclusion of marsh within the World Heritage list. "
She said the information department, that "the meeting will also vote on candidates for the federal Public Service Board, and voting in principle to the project challenged the interests of the law, the verdicts and decisions of the Real Property Law," pointing out that "the meeting will see year-old topic of discussion (to compensate those affected by the recent events in Tuz spend). "
The information department and added that "the meeting will include the first reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to the preservation of migratory waterfowl African Eurasian, and the law of compensation for victims of justice agreement,"
pointing out that "the agenda includes a report and discussion of the proposed cancellation of the Revolutionary Command Council Resolution Act (dissolved) No. (481) for the year 1989, and the report and discuss the first draft amendment to the law take care of minors Law No. (78) for the year 1980, and the first draft amendment to the Law of Antiquities and Heritage Law No. (55) of the year 2002 ".
The presidency of the Iraqi parliament lifted Saturday (30 July 2016), the seventh session of the legislative term of the first third legislative year to Monday, while the meeting witnessed the vote on the ban on Baath Party Law, responded Act of Parliament and the direct writing of a new law does not include privileges for MPs.
Elane says):  The meeting's agenda No. [8] Monday [1] August 2016
August 01, 2016   First , read verses from the Koran. Secondly , the vote on the candidates of the Federal Public Service Board.
Third , to vote in principle on a draft law to challenge the interests of the judgments and decisions of the Real Property Act. ( Legal Committee ).
 Fourth: The questioning of the Minister of Defense.
Fifth: The host committee charged tray marshes within the World Heritage List.
Sixth: The first reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to maintain Ally birds African Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds Agreement. ( Committee on Foreign Relations , the Committee on Health and the Environment ), (2 items).
Seventh: The first reading of the draft law to compensate victims of justice. ( Human Rights Committee , the Legal Committee ), (11 articles).
Eighth: The report and discussion of the proposed cancellation of the Revolutionary Command Council Resolution Act (dissolved) No. (481) for the year 1989. ( Legal Committee ), (2 items).
IX: report and discuss the draft The first amendment to the law take care of minors Law No. (78) for the year 1980. ( The Committee on women, family and Children , the Finance Committee ), (16 articles).
Tenth: report and discuss the first draft amendment to the Law of Antiquities Law and Heritage No. (55) for the year 2002. ( Commission of Tourism and Antiquities , the Committee of religious Endowments and religious Affairs , the Committee on culture and Information ), (14 items).
eleventh: a general topic for discussion ( to compensate those affected by the recent events in the district of Tuz). (MP Niazi architecture Ihsanoglu.) Session start time: eleven in the morning.
Elane says():good morning!
rcookie says():CBI gives, government banks until next September, to adapt itself to electronic systems
08/01/2016It gave the Central Bank of Iraq, on Monday, the government banks until next September, to adapt itself to electronic systems and transactions, while between the percentage of beneficiaries and users of those dealings in Iraq, "not to exceed" ten percent, favored the possibility of the contribution of orientations to expand their use and benefit from 77 percent of money supply held by citizens outside the banks, get rid of the cash circulation problems.
The governor of the central bank and the agency, on the Keywords, in an interview Monday, said that "the payments system is an important pillar of the banking and financial sector,"
noting that it "consists of two phases first is related to the large total transactions between banks and companies within the system is settled and conducting operations clearing and liquidation of the great number of daily banking transactions. "
He Keywords that "the second phase of a retail of transactions daily for individuals to pay their obligations through electronic or mobile phone and other card payment system,"
noting that "the role of the central bank is monitoring and supervision beyond the field to the presence of problematic in banking transactions at the country level and the requisite large size of the precise organization. "
He explained the governor, that "the role of the central bank may be an operator or partner or used for system electronic banking," stressing that "the future role of the Central Bank is to supervise the system to be entrusted to operating the task to a company or a group belonging to the private sector companies."
Keywords and saw that "the application of electronic trading requires work to provide the infrastructure required," pointing out that such "legislative legal structure governing the banking services to all its details." 
He said the central bank governor, that "the Central Bank conducted a comprehensive review of the laws of banking and regulations in force and to develop an initial draft of the required legislation in this area, and issued an electronic payment system and controls subscribe to the infrastructure of the payment system retail," noting that "the amount of $ 20 trillion dinars are being handled by a month under this system, a fast, accurate and support the national economy, away from a lot of problems. "
Promised Keywords, said that "very cool and sophisticated retail payment system and helps the bank to follow all these processes and to prevent violations and abuses, which is updated through the end of 2015, which are no problem,"
pointing out that "the Central Bank is currently working with the World Bank to review and evaluate the national payments system , which was formed three locations of the data in the whole of Iraq, as well as one location outside Iraq to recover from the risks. "
He went on, saying the central bank governor, said that "Iraq needs a comprehensive banking systems, followed by the banking system to be able to achieve its objectives," revealing "a lack of State-owned banks for such an electronic system even though it has hundreds of branches."
And gave Keywords "State-owned banks until next September, to adjust their positions within this electronic system," noting that "the central bank takes the organizational side by issuing controls the use of electronic credit cards and there are plenty of companies that submitted bids for work on the processing of these cards to the fact that the central bank has divided National, which regulates these processes, and represents an incubator electronic banking operations. "
He went conservative, saying that "the Bank has developed a court will be launched in early 2017 to regulate such operations plan," and expressed regret that "as a result of the low percentage of beneficiaries and users in Iraq who do not exceed ten percent, and eight percent of these are very limited operations, such as received salary only, and that only two percent of Iraqis are using smart cards ".
He expressed the Keywords, a belief that "the trends in will help expand financial inclusion through the entry of more citizens to these systems and thus take advantage of in the possession of people's money supply which amounts to 77 percent outside the system, as well as get rid of the cash circulation problems."
The governor of the central bank identified in 2017, as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through Dinaralaketrona or electronic tags, returned that will facilitate transactions between government departments

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