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Friday, January 23, 2015

"We Are Into Phase 3 Of the GCR" by R.V./GCR at Stage3Alpha

R.V. / GCR January 23, 2015 at 12:30pm We are well into phase three of you Global currency reset.

There are a few ticks on this Dog and we gave it a flea bath, but the ticks are the problems so they may need to be taken out one by one.

Someone said with the right tools this can be done the easy way as long as the dog holds still.

May have to restrain that dog to getrdone.....just saying.....we are fully in... Timberdays

Janie > R.V. / GCR pair of very sharp tweezers, grab hold of the head and pull it out. LOL Bonjour, mon ami :)

R.V. / GCR First week of February or before is looking really good as everyone tries to push this thing into motion,..kinda like a car with a bad battery… need to pop the clutch to kickstart the motor

What are we looking for next beside true proof of historical bonds and heritage funds movement. We need to see the trade platforms begin.

This is your ahaha moment.

What follows is phase four …the alignment and where we tune the old car that could not start.......then we change the tires and try it...

If it works, because they did this for the friends and family last year…we should try the open road and take it too the green light......roar

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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