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Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Morning News Summaries by Aggiedad77

aggiedad77 » February 28th, 2014,

Friday Morning News Summaries

Maliki's office: We will pay the salaries of the staff in February to Kurdistan to be pumping oil revenues and the entry in the general budget

Maliki came out today and announced that salaries for February will be paid, especially to those employees of the Kurdistan and that the federal government is not responsible for holding up their salaries....he is claiming the Kurds are given 17% of the federal budget and payments to employees are to come out of that.....

M claims what is going on is attempts by some Kurds to stir up nationalism....well I for one think it is Maliki who is stirring things he is trying to cover things a cat....he is one, the Kurds are many....I can't believe that so many Kurds would all be saying the same thing regarding what they believe are salaries being withheld by Baghdad.....

Maliki goes on to blame the Speaker Najafi for not bear responsibility for the budget by not even accomplishing the first reading....sounds like he is slinging barbed arrows in all kinds of directions....I sense he is not a happy camper.....he says that oil has not flowed from the Kurdistan for them to earn revenues because of the budget hold up. Shaking my head at the futility being exposed here.


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Kurdistan is the warnings of the deteriorating economy, "election propaganda" and warns of the Liberal prejudice to the Central Bank reserves

Here we still see the Kurds complaining about the federal government cutting off salaries for region employees....they claim what is going on with this issue is election propaganda, because the federal government has the resources to make these payments for salaries from daily exports of oil and other items. What a difference between two articles....this one quotes Maliki on Feb 26 as saying the political blocs are actively working to prevent the organization of the upcoming elections and that failure to ratify the budget "will mean non payment of salaries for retirees, employees and students, and social welfare payments....some are saying that the government will need to borrow from the CBI to make payments, but in doing so this will create dangerous situations. Amongst all the mud slinging there are also some hardballs being thrown back and forth and sometimes they get difficult to dodge. At this point it is difficult to declare a winner yet.

Finance: Emergency funds received by the local government of Anbar is another $1 billion dollars being mentioned again....this time with the province of Anbar......being withheld from funds being disbursed for displaced families from Anbar....they are saying this remaining money....again...$1 billion dollars must be entered into the federal budget.....why USD....why not dinar like all the other transactions for these families....makes one go hmmmmm.

[Arabtec] major Gulf companies plan to open an office in Baghdad

Arabtec will be opening an office in Baghdad soon....they are the largest construction company in the Gulf in terms of market value. They will be looking forward to taking part in investment strategies that are now presenting themselves.

Government Electronic voter card is an official document fifth

The Secretariat General of COM has declared that the e-cards for voters will be a way to provide proof at the voting centers of who the person is that has not been in the process before.....he strongly discourages the selling of the cards or reassignment of them to others is expressly forbidden and will come with a penalty.

Kurdistan Alliance: There are no hidden pipes for fuel smuggling to Turkey

The Kurds are denying any report of hidden piping along the pipeline route from the Kurdistan to Ceyhan, Turkey that have designs to be used for smuggling oil to Turkey.....but the Turkish government seems to think otherwise...seems they have discovered a 500 meter pipeline at the Iraq/Turkey border that could definitely be part of a smuggling operation if it were to be used.

Reference warns of sale card and alienate the election and calls to speed up the passage of the budget and solving problems constitutionally

The ruling authority in Karbala is making a statement that people are in need of these times they see little if any use of the e-card they are given except that there are those who will buy them.....the card does nothing about putting food on the table....the money does. The Karbala leadership is calling for a swift agreement on the budget so that things can be pushed forward and programs can be implemented to help the people of Karbala who suffer from many environmental issues that require attention.

Najaf Commission: 40% of the distribution of voters' cards at a rate of 13 000 per day card

The province of Najaf appears to be making good progress in distributing the voter e-cards...having doled out 40% of their cards to a rate of 13,000/day. The UNHCR reported yesterday that 6 million cards have been reported as distributed across the country out of 21 million known voters.

Urgent .. Baghdad province bearing the responsibility of delayed salaries of its staff and declare sent their salaries for the month of February compared to the oil pump

A slightly different translation to an earlier article put out by Maliki's office that again states that it is not the federal government that is cutting off salaries to the Kurds....they are doing this to themselves, that the salaries are incorporated into the 17% they are receiving from the federal government.....well we all know that 17% amount is another point of contention for the Kurds, they claim they are only receiving around 10%....but one has to wonder if the Kurds are really telling the full story....or attempting to get national sympathy.....I think their sympathy card is about to be rejected....the other people of Iraq are growing tired of their constant bickering with Baghdad.

Experts warn of economic paralysis as a result of the crisis in Kurdistan and Baghdad contend with: the provincial government has alternative solutions

The Kurds hold steadfast to their voice that says the Kurd employee salary issue rests squarely upon the shoulders of Baghdad and specifically on Maliki's shoulders. They are adamant in this stance and have refused to back away from it....not just the politicians but the economists of the region as well....can so many be so wrong about this....I don't think so.....this sounds and looks like a Maliki effort in every way. They are worried about an economic paralysis if the crisis is not stopped soon....there must be solutions made with Baghdad. The problem at this point is neither side appears ready to compromise....this will only continue to hurt all Iraqis in the pocketbook.

Routine and the Ministry of Oil and the corruption of officials alienate oil companies to invest in Iraq

Red tape and corruption all over the place have caused some major oil companies to threaten to pack up their tools and walk away from Iraq. Their actions have seemed to grab the attention of the Oil Ministry who is trying to resolve issues that have been brought up. There have even been issues with visas that were not renewed for oil field workers....come on want to be the king of the oil producers....well it comes with a price....and it isn't cheap.....poor boy Saddam oil company is gone....get into today's technology if you expect to compete in the big leagues.....get your poop grouped and get the contract issues worked yesterday....drilling programs work on a schedule....and not an Iraqi sign on the dotted line then get out of the way and let these people do what they do best....punch deep holes in the ground....stop the corruption already....there will be plenty of time to pad your pockets....later....get the black gold flowing first.

Najafi: Kurds are the closest to us ideologically and geographically and culturally

So the two Najafi brothers are in the Kurdistan at the same time....seeking solution to the budget issues and also to talk about the problems in Anbar.....then the one brother, governor of Nineveh was speaking with Barzani about a possible political alliance between Nineveh and the Kurdistan.....interesting timing......especially when Speaker of the Parliament...the big brother Najafi was also seeking some help from the Kurds as he wishes to become President of the Republic....I hope he can do a better job in that position than the one he currently holds.....he brought with him some key members of the Coalition United bloc from Anbar....all to help the Kurds make some choices and decisions about the budget going forward.....what will we see next week as a result of these meetings on Thursday.

Barzani and Responsibility

A rather well written article that puts some pressure to Barzani to fill his Cabinet....quit dragging his feet on this issue and take control....they also are asking when will the Kurds be seeing salaries again...that enough is enough. Make amends with Baghdad but stay true to your people.

Khatib F Fallujah: al-Maliki wants to ignite the country to ensure they stay in power

This came from a mosque this morning during prayers, against Maliki accusing him of trying to ignite the country to keep him in power as dictator....even in eliminating his opponents for the upcoming election....pointing to the withholding of salaries in the Kurdistan....then to the situation in Anbar as not getting better....insisting on the army being pulled out and negotiations started in earnest.

Here is the end of the morning News Summaries


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